04 June 2007

I know you were here

This place is not for you. I created it intending for you to NEVER find and NEVER read. Now that you've been here, it's ruined. Do not come back. If I ever find out you came here again, I will delete the whole thing. You have violated my safe place, you have stolen the comfort I find when I write and the compassion I get from the women that read and comment. You cannot be here. If I lose this place, you lose me, this is your ONLY warning.


PCOSMama said...

Roy, the same thing happened to me awhile back and I was pretty pissed too. I ended up having to delete the post that drew him to comment and all of the comments because my hubby wrote a bunch of crap. Basically he didn't like that I was broadcasting our problems to the internet world.
I basically said the same thing as you, that it was my personal place and he had no place there, but I'm still afraid to write anything bad about him because I don't doubt he still reads it sometimes.
Seriously, why can't we have this place, just for ourselves, where we can feel free to say whatever is on our minds and know that there is someone out there who understands?
Sucks to be discovered.... hopefully this will work out, if not visit my blog and let me know if you go elsewhere so I can find you again.

Roy said...

I'll be sticking around for now, he knows he would feel the wrath of God and has promised to stay away. I can keep track with statcounter, so I'll know, no matter what computer he uses, even if he never comments. I must sound like quite a bitch for it, but it's what I need to do for myself. If I do need to run away from here I will definitely let you know where I go. Thanks for checking on me.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Aaaah, hence being a private blog now. I'm so sorry, Roy. That really sucks.

Tina / Anxious Changer said...

Oh, that sucks. I am sorry this happened to you.

My hubby knows I blog - but, he also knows this is private and he really respects that. I am lucky, though. He is very understanding of my personal stuff - and I of his. Hope he does not come back and ruin your safe place.